Monday, September 28, 2015

A Hidden Treasure

     Everyone has their hide away place, somewhere we can go to get our mind off things and just relax. Mcallister County Park in Belle Terre, NY is my hide away spot. I recently went here to try to take pictures with ideal sunset lighting but simply fell in love with the spot all over again. Up until the other day I haven't gotten to witness a sunset from this spot and it was such a beautiful sighting. I was able to put my camera on manual mode and test out the settings and although my pictures may not be the most beautiful sunset pictures imaginable I still love the way they came out. Over the past few weeks I've found that shooting on manual focus has cleared my photos up a lot and overall made the quality of them better. I look forward to many more sunsets from this spot. There are many hidden gems on Long Island if you simply look for them.