Monday, December 7, 2015

Cover Page: Wedding Photography

Judith Perez

Wedding Photography

Through this assignment I learned that if you want to be a photographer and start your 

own business you must work extremely hard and never give up. I also learned how 

important word of mouth truly is for photographers. The last important thing I learned is 

that you must have everything together to make your business successful. The costs are 

generally high and everything adds up very quickly.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

What a wonderful thanksgiving spend with the most wonderful family in the world. So grateful that my family is so supportive of my choice to pursue photography and help me all along the way, by being my models of course! They're so beautiful and I love these photos so much.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Foggy Mornings

I love these photos so much. The fog was awesome the other morning and I went out and shot these pictures it was really fun and all the images had a sort of eire feel to them!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Night Time Portraits

"Low-Light" photos are extremely hard to accomplish when dealing with a moving subject. To get them to come out perfectly you have to ask the subject to try to sit as still as they possibly can, which for some people is actually pretty hard to do. In this case she was kneeling down giving herself leverage, making it easier for her to sit still. Taking these low-light photos were pretty fun to take and it's a really creative way to take portraits.

Monday, November 9, 2015

How did you end your day?

 I just loved the colors of this sunset it was absolutely breathtaking so of course I had to take pictures! I love the depth of field in the second photo, and how even though the grass was in focus my eye is still drawn to that beautiful orange color of the sun. Sunsets are my favorite things to watch.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Love is in the Air

Had such a fun time photographing these two this weekend, they share such an amazing bond and you can just feel the love in the air when you're with them. The pictures came out great and I can't wait for them to see them!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Fall has Arrived

While playing around with my depth of field I fell in love with these fall colors in New York City last weekend. Something about the plants just caught my eye and I knew this was one of my assignments so I just shot away. I really love these pictures because of the colors and the clear focus. Playing with depth of field has been my favorite thing so far.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

If at first you don't succeed, try try again

It took many, many tries to get the image that I was going for. I had to have her skate back and forth at least 15 times. But I love how this photo came out. I now know that panning is extremely hard and takes a lot of practice. But the effects of the image are worth it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A Starry Night

Playing with a long exposure, I was able to take photos of the stars and clouds at night. I was so excited to find these pictures come out as well as they did. I used my tripod and an exposure of 30 seconds to get all the stars to come out. I was having trouble focusing on the stars so I took a bunch of images and kept adjusting the focus a little bit each time, hopefully I'll be able to learn an easier technique. If you look on the bottom half of the imagine you can see a line of light, that was a plane flying by, which is what I found so awesome about this image.

Monday, October 5, 2015


While experimenting for my project on white balances, I happen to fall in love with these pictures. These were taken in a dark room with a flashlight used for the lighting and a long exposure, while my camera was on the tripod. I like the glow of the light that the flashlight gives and I will most definitely be playing with exposures more often. I had a lot of fun doing the white balance project.

Monday, September 28, 2015

A Hidden Treasure

     Everyone has their hide away place, somewhere we can go to get our mind off things and just relax. Mcallister County Park in Belle Terre, NY is my hide away spot. I recently went here to try to take pictures with ideal sunset lighting but simply fell in love with the spot all over again. Up until the other day I haven't gotten to witness a sunset from this spot and it was such a beautiful sighting. I was able to put my camera on manual mode and test out the settings and although my pictures may not be the most beautiful sunset pictures imaginable I still love the way they came out. Over the past few weeks I've found that shooting on manual focus has cleared my photos up a lot and overall made the quality of them better. I look forward to many more sunsets from this spot. There are many hidden gems on Long Island if you simply look for them.